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What temperature is medium rare steak?

Victoria Anderson





Steak Doneness: A Guide to Cooking the Perfect Steak

Everyone has their own preference when it comes to the doneness of a steak—whether it's rare, medium, well-done, or somewhere in between. However, with such small temperature differences defining each level of doneness, it's crucial to pay attention during cooking to avoid overcooking or undercoSteak Doneness: The Ultimate Guide to Cooking the Right Steak


Different people have different preferences about how well done a steak should be, whether it is rare or medium or well-done or anywhere in between. This is best illustrated by the fact that the allowable range for each doneness level is quite tiny hence concentration is a must lest people Cook more or less than required. In this guide, we'll explain how to make sure that the steak is cooked properly every time, without the need to constantly check it.


How Steaks Cook


Steaks cook from the outside in, meaning the exterior of the steak is always going to cook faster than that of the middle. This is beneficial since a good crust has been created on the meat, however it proves to be quite dangerous to the steak since there is a lengthy wait for the middle part to be of a certain doneness before being served.


The degree of doneness depends solely on the internal temperature of the steak when the cooking has completed. However, it is good practice to achieve the interior doness of the meat such that it is almost exactly at your desired meat temperature because while the steak is resting, the meat tends to be still cooking.


The Proper Way of Resting Your Steak


When it is time to remove the meat, let’s say from the pan or the grill, then it is a better idea to first place it down onto a plate or the cutting board, for a moment. The temperature of the meat has not been reduced from the perfect temperature rather it is inflated up a bit more and therefore the steak turns out to be a little more done than it should be.


Cooking. In this article I will teach you how to cook a steak at the desired level of doneness consistently.


How Steaks Cook


Steaks tend to cook from the periphery or the outer edges thick cut steak inwards, that is, the outer parts of the steak cutouts will always cook faster than its very core. This is excellent for the creation of a delish crust but it poses hassles for the doneness of the steak since a huge compromise will have to be made and sat under the hope and sigh that the inside will be cooked to the desired doneness after a period of time.


The doneness of steak is when the steak has finished being cooked and the final internal temperature has been determined. But day fades and one should also be careful and remove the steak from the fire just before it gets to the temperature that is meant for it because the steak will still continue cooking after it has been removed from the heat source.


  • The Significance of Resting Your Steak

  • When you take your steak off the heat, always put it on a plate or chopping board to give it a rest. When left, the internal temperature will keep increasing slightly thus cooking the steak a little more. By the time it ends its resting period, the doneness of your steak should be around the doneness level you want to achieve. As a last step, it is possible to return steak to the desired temperature in a pan with butter and herbs, in this case, it comes from French cuisine, or in an oven. How Then is the Doneness of a Steak Checked? The best method to determine the internal temperature and doneness stage of meat is to use an instant-read meat thermometer. Probe it into the centre of the steak to check the temperature. If necessary, you do not need to worry about poking the meat and lose too many juices as you can check the temperature several times.

  • Steak Doneness Temperature Information Guide

  • Here it’s very simple, as you are shown the temperatures at which the steak should be taken off the heat and the core temperature after the steak should be rested:

  • Rare: Remove it at 120°F (Final temperature: 125°F)

  • Medium Rare: Remove it at 130°F (Final temperature: 135°F)

  • Medium: Remove it at 140°F (Final temperature: 145°F)

  • Medium Well: Remove it at 150°F (Final temperature: 155°F)

  • Well Done: Remove it at 160°F (Final temperature: 165°F)


By following these temperature guidelines and paying close attention during the cooking process, you can enjoy a perfectly cooked steak every time.


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