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15 thing you should do before age 55


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1. Life doesn't wait for you to be okay. Get up everyday and keep pushing through.

2. Never force anyone to choose you. You'll learn the art to spend time alone

3. Master your emotions. A calm mind can handle any situation.

4. To avoid disappointment, you need to take people for who they're not for what you want them to be.

5. Everyone will show you who they're, just give them time

6. You're at peace with yourself when you mind your own business.

7. Ensure you take good care of yourself, if anything happens to you, the world will move on.

8. Nobody cares, work hard to get better everyday.

9. If you don't work to build your own dream, someone will hire you and give you a purpose.

10. Free yourself from the society's advice, most of them have no idea of what they're doing.

11. 30 years is too long to sit in an office being told what to do.

12. You shouldn't frequently take advice from people who're not where you want to be in life.

13. Life's is 100% better when no one know anything about you

14. You become 10x smarter when you quit the news and put politics out of your topics, unless it is your official occupation or it benefits you positivelyย 

15. You need to be smart enough to create your opportunities, don't wait for them to come to you.

Edited by nelson
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