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Wizkid Ieak that Banky W's Empire took everything


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"I lęft Banky W's record label with nothing. They took all the songs I released under them and I didn't have any rîghts to my music." Wizkid 

"Nobody knows what I went through when I lęft Banky W's Empire Mates Entertainment (E.M.E). I literally had to leave with 0-Naira. And I was Wizkid so I had to leavę with nothing because I lęft before my contract came to an end. Though I lęft with nothing, I'm thankful to Banky W for showing me to world and I'm thankful for everything he has done for me. But it's just normal that at a certain point in life, an artiste would want to get to a stage where you want to progress and move forward. After I released my first album, "Superstar", my boys were just like, "Wiz, you should tour the world with this album cuz people love it so much." But my label didn't let me tour and that's when I realized that I had to leave. Looking back today, I wouldn't have been the Wizkid you all know if I didn't leavę. That's why I believe that every disappointment is a blessing depending on how you handle it. So I'm just thankful to God for all he's been doing for me cuz everything just seems to be happening for my good. Shout-out to my fans too cuz Wizkid FC is the main reason I'm here." Wizkid

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