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    Mountain West Bank

    Mountain West Bank, established in 1993 by local business leaders at the corner of Government Way and Ironwood Drive in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, is a bank with numerous branches across Idaho and Washington in the US. It is focused on community development, with an emphasis on financial support and security, financial education, etc. It is a division of Glacier Bank, a subsidiary of Glacier Bancorp, Inc. (GBCI), a regional bank holding company providing commercial banking services across various states in the US.

    Mountain West Bank offers various banking and small business support services through Mountain West Small Business Finance, a non-profit and private corporation licensed and regulated by the U.S.  Small Business Administration (SBA).

    Other services include:

    • Treasury Management Services
    • Online Banking and Mobile Banking
    • Entrepreneurial Education
    • Small Business Administration (SBA) Loan Program
    • Free Checking and Business Banking.

    Mountain West Bank has gone beyond just banking services to indulging in community sponsorship strategies which align with business goals and values, such as:

    • Community Engagement: Demonstrating community engagement and commitment.
    • Targeted Marketing: Targeted marketing and lead generation.
    • Competitive Advantage:  Differentiation from larger banks.
    • Exposure and Brand Awareness: Enhancing brand awareness and reputation.

    Mountain West Bank’s community development strategy also includes a charitable initiative program (employee-led charitable giving campaigns) that allows employees to contribute to causes aligned with their passions. This approach indicates the bank’s commitment to empowering its staff and impacting the community in general.

    Mountain West Bank is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and as such, its customers and community maintain confidence in them.


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