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  • How long do farm fresh eggs last

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    Eggs are a very popular staple found in most kitchens in the world, serving many versatile functions that are unparalleled for their nutritional value. Whether baking a cake or preparing breakfast, or some gourmet meal, it is bound to contain eggs. Yet, there is much confusion among people as to how long eggs will last and what the best way to store them is for safety and freshness.

    Understanding their specific shelf life is key to farm-fresh eggs because they are often not washed and might be stored in a way different from bought eggs. How eggs are handled and kept will differ, affecting their quality and how long they could last. In this paper, we will look into some facts about how long farm-fresh eggs will last, what factors contribute to their expiration date, and how to store them longer to keep them fresh.

    We'll be looking at how to tell if an egg has gone bad, the differences between washed and unwashed eggs, and answer some of the most frequently asked questions about storing eggs. Whether your eggs are from a flock of chickens in your backyard or you buy them every week at the local farm stand, this comprehensive guide will guarantee your eggs are fresh and safe.

    2. How Long Do Fresh Eggs Last?

    Properly handled farm-fresh eggs will generally last longer than store-bought eggs. Backyard chicken eggs that have not been washed will keep for three weeks at room temperature and three months in the refrigerator. This is because unwashed eggs retain a natural coating called the "bloom" or "cuticle," which acts to seal the egg and help prevent bacteria from entering.

    On the other hand, washed eggs have this coating removed. For that reason alone, they must be refrigerated and, as such, typically have a shorter use period. Under conditions of refrigeration, washed eggs will last about two months.

    Another important aspect is related to storage conditions and temperature control. Storage in constant cool conditions greatly affects the quality and freshness of the eggs over a certain period.


    3. Factors Affecting Egg Shelf Life

    There are several factors affecting how long eggs remain fresh, especially when it comes to farm-fresh, unprocessed eggs. These include:

    Temperature: Eggs far outlast their expiration dates if kept at cool, stable temperatures. Unwashed eggs should ideally be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator.
    Washing: Unwashed eggs keep their natural bloom, making it difficult for bacteria to enter. Washing removes this layer, leaving them much more vulnerable.
    Storage Conditions: The storage area should not have moisture and temperature fluctuations. In fact, a continuous cool environment promises longevity.
    Humidity: Eggs should not be kept in very humid areas, as excessive moisture invites bacterial growth on the shell.
    By observing these factors, you will be able to extend your eggs' lives and avoid them from going to waste or getting contaminated.


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